Fellowship Recruitment

All in Match

As the sponsoring organization for Endocrinology Fellowship Programs, APDEM has voluntarily implemented the All In Policy for Endocrinology programs since the 2018 Match, and manages the fellowship recruitment process in accordance with the NRMP’s All In Match policy

APDEM supports the All In Match policy and the many ways in which it serves the best interests of candidates and Endocrinology fellowship programs, including:

  • Fairness: Allows applicants and program directors to consider each other without pressure and to develop rank order lists that reflect their true preferences.
  • Efficiency: Optimizes the choices of applicants and program directors, ensuring each achieves the most preferred training choice possible.
  • Transparency: Provides applicants, program directors, and the medical education community with valuable data about Match outcomes and training preferences to address future recruitment and manpower needs.
  • Reliability: Eliminates common recruiting problems such as early or exploding offers, and applicants holding onto or reneging on offers in search of better options.

All in Match Resources:

All In Match Policy for Endocrinology
APDEM All In Match FAQs
All In Match Background Materials

Fellowship Data & Reports

All questions regarding APDEM’s All In Match Policy can be directed to APDEM (apdem@endocrine.org), Dr. Ismat Shafiq (ismat_shafiq@urmc.rochester.edu), or Dr. Katie Guttenberg (katie.b.guttenberg@uth.tmc.edu) co-chairs of the All in Match Committee.

Exceptions to the Match

All participating programs are required to register and attempt to fill all positions in the NRMP Match, unless an exception is granted. Requests for exceptions must be submitted and approved in writing and will only apply to the current Match cycle.

All In Match Oversight Task Force

2024-2025 Roster

Program Signaling

Based on feedback from APDEM members over the past 2 years, the Endocrinology fellowship recruitment process will participate in program signaling, beginning with the 2025 ERAS season.

Please refer to the following resources for additional information: